Arnon Grunberg



This evening I participated in “Urbo Kune” : “Within a period of 25 hours, the urban opera a day and an hour in urbo kune tells of the coming into being and functioning of a new exemplary city which is conceived and established as the capital of the United States of Europe. as a portrait of this city, the opera is a hybrid of utopian artistic fictionalisation and concrete conceptual design.”

More information here.

I read a short story, written specially for Urbo Kune: “The Hamster or The Future of Europe”.

Before me, Gerard Mortier was going a short text about Europe. At least, that’s what the program said. I wanted to ask the producer: “Where is Mr. Mortier?”

But then I remembered that Mr. Mortier might have passed away.

So I didn’t say anything.

And indeed, it turned out that Mr. Mortier had passed away. An actor – at least I assume it was an actor – was reading his text.

It was a wonderful but strange evening and now I’m ready for the 24-hour-literary-reading. Talk together, eat together, sleep together, and discuss an oeuvre.

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