Arnon Grunberg



And now Chemnitz - Raphael Telen in der Spiegel:

'The right-wingers begin moving, marching through the city chanting: "Germany for the Germans! Foreigners Get Out!" Some stretch out their right arms in the Hitler greeting, which is illegal in Germany. They are flanked only by small groups of police. "We are receiving reports that huge numbers of paving stones are being pulled up," the officers are warned over their radios. Another police officer says of an order they receive: "Given our numbers, that isn't very smart, but the order came from the commanders." Given the situation, the two water cannons parked nearby don't provide much reassurance.

Back at the starting point of the demonstration, small groups of right-wing extremists keep marching. Under the protection of the deepening darkness, they spread out across the city, disappearing into side streets and parks. They verbally harass journalists, go after counter-demonstrators and attack a leftist housing project. At least two people are injured.

At the same time, the last lines of a song can be heard as the rally draws to a close: "Flourish, German Fatherland!"

Later, the Chemnitz police will release a statement saying that their operation was "not trouble free." Not enough officers were on duty.'

Read the article here.

Not enough police offers on duty is a small part of the problem. Slogans like "Germany, for the Germans," or 'Foreigners, get out!" have become fashionable, not only in Germany, the mainstream appears to have accepted the new nationalism with a shrug.
That's understandable - people are overwhelmed by their own lives - but it gives quite a lot of power to those who are willing to use hatred and even violence to kill the status quo.

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