Arnon Grunberg

The disappearance

Too hot

Yesterday I was told that I would meet my Hungarian publisher this afternoon at 1 pm. This afternoon I was informed that I would meet him around 5 pm. In the meantime Rozi (I misspelled her name in my last blog) took me to a Turkish bath. That was fairly enjoyable although the sauna was slightly too hot for me.
But where is my Hungarian publisher? I met him for dinner in the fall of 2002. He was studying to become a rabbi then he decided to be a publisher.
The name of his publishing house is Ulpius-Haz.
Anybody who was information about András, the publisher, please, contact me. Or if the publisher is reading this, please contact me at your earliest convenience.
I didn’t turn into a wild animal. And book publishing is a contact sport isn’t it?