Arnon Grunberg

Race car

Waving with a press card

A few kilometers outside Oruro the Bolivian highway – at least what passes for a highway in this country – was transformed into a race circuit.
My godson’s father was driving and an eager and rather aggressive policeman confiscated his driver’s license for the illegally cossing the circuit.
After that the policeman started hitting my godson’s father.
At that moment the volunteer from the Netherlands and I stepped out of the car, and I showed the policeman my American press card.
He stopped being aggressive but he was not willing to return the driver’s license.
Out of boredom and because I tend to have problems with certain kinds of authority I started taking pictures of the policeman, while waving with my press card in between.
After the race was over we did get the driver’s license back.
Sometimes the cover of a journalist pays off.
(Below I attach a picture from the gold I bought. And the ceremony that came with the sale. The gold had to be blessed with warm beer.)