Arnon Grunberg



Outdoor dining in the freezing cold - it felt a bit like January 21 but repetition doesn't hurt.

Cafe Cluny was rather empty, outdoor more so than indoor, but the difference wasn't that big.

Two other people tried to have dinner, but left after five minutes. I would say, there is nothing but a freezing wind while munching on a delicious salmon. But not everybody agrees.

And Adam Gopnik wrote nine months ago in the The New Yorker:

'Whether eating or banking, we want safety, heat, and meaning, in about equal measure. As we pray for the persistence of this new social life on our reclaimed streets, let us also be grateful to these temporary shelters, even as they pass, for reminding us of this ever-warming truth.'

(Read Gopnik here.)

The heat i.e the weak heater gives you lots of meaning in the cold. Ordering a steak without taking your gloves off. Now that is persistence.

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