Arnon Grunberg



On Jenin – Pfeffer in Haaretz:

‘The nuances between the political and military level are not coincidental. Essentially, this operation is a compromise between the IDF’s preference of continuing with the current strategy of relatively small-scale raids on Jenin, which are usually over within a few hours, and the demand of the far-right elements of Benjamin Netanyahu's government for what National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir described as “a military operation, to take down buildings, exterminate terrorists – not one or two but tens and hundreds, if necessary thousands."
A larger operation in Jenin has been an option for over a year now, since the PA lost control of the city and its refugee camp became a hub of armed Palestinian gangs, who carry out shooting attacks both in the West Bank and within Israel. But the IDF didn’t recommend an operation on this scale, and the three prime ministers during this period – Naftali Bennett, Yair Lapid and now Netanyahu – didn’t push for it either. The risk of potential escalation and heavy casualties weighed against it.’


‘The resultant operation, with the entire Oz special-operations brigade, along with elements of other units and constant airstrike cover by drones, is probably larger than the IDF would have envisaged if it didn’t also have to supply a fireworks display for the politicians. It certainly isn’t what Ben-Gvir and his cohorts have been demanding, but it at least allows Netanyahu to look as if he’s acting decisively and his partners to claim that they have shifted the paradigm.
The settlers have spent most of the past two weeks lambasting the generals for not doing enough against terror.’

Read the article here

Some of the settlers were also busy rampaging through Palestinian villages.
The operation in Jenin serves to restore the status quo, as far as this status quo is in need of restoration.

Also, it is a show for the zealots in Netanyahu’s government.

According to another article in Haaretz one of the casualties of operations like this is the Palestinian economy.
The status quo is the continuation of misery for too many.

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