Arnon Grunberg



On an array of hypotheses – Harel in Haaretz:

‘The former head of the Research Division at Military Intelligence, Gen. Itai Baron, has recently published a comprehensive and instructive article on the conduct of Israeli politicians regarding the intelligence received on October 5, 1973, a day before the Yom Kippur War started.
In the article, that was published by the Dado Center for Interdisciplinary Military Studies, Baron writes that "The alarms at noon on Yom Kippur 1973 made it clear to an entire generation of politicians and military personnel that the information they have is nothing more than an array of hypotheses that have to be put to the test. The war's fiftieth anniversary is a good moment to remember this, so we will be able to critically examine our current array of hypotheses."’

Read the article here.

An array of hypotheses that have to be put to the test.

It’s there where art of politics, the art of journalism the art of military readiness and the art of the novel cross reach other.

The hypothesis for Israel and its neighbors is that a catastrophe is waiting in the wings.

Let’s hope that the hypothesis will fail, but Netanyahu appears to be willing to destroy his country (and other countries) in order to save himself.

Speaking of sacrificing the individual for the masses.

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