Arnon Grunberg



On How to – Dan Schindel on Hyperallergic:

‘It’s difficult to capture the show’s singular sensibility in words. Wilson edits together a truly daunting amount of street footage with various interviews he shoots around town, creating explorations of episodic themes that often veer in wildly unpredictable directions. His shaky narration, full of ums and uhs and awkward pauses, gives each installment almost a stream-of-consciousness quality. The new season starts with Wilson comparing “your relationship with your toilet” to a romance, complete with various shots of couples kissing that escalate slowly from typical to unusual.

The title of that episode is “How To Find a Public Restroom,” and the seemingly superficial topic at hand masks a serious look into the intersection of urban infrastructure and social safety. There aren’t many public restrooms in NYC; while a shot of a man urinating out the door of a moving subway car is funny, it also speaks to a dire societal problem. Every episode of the show could be summed up with a more elemental theme. “How To Cover Your Furniture” is about security. “How To Cook the Perfect Risotto,” which observes the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, is about mortality. “How To Throw Out Your Batteries” is about letting go.’

Read the article here.

From the perfect risotto to the perfect toilet is not that far. But a decent public restroom is hard to find. I would say that’s it can be easier to find love, or what nowadays is called love.

Anyhow a decent toilet in exchange for love seems to me a perfect example of how barter can save the world, at least parts of the world.

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