Arnon Grunberg



On terror and Europe – Der Spiegel:

‘Abdelhamid Al A., Mohamed B. and Ibrahim El-R. had been in the sights of the security authorities since last summer, well before the Hamas attack on Israel. On Thursday, investigators in Berlin finally made their move and arrested the three men. Officials conducted further arrests in Rotterdam. The suspected Hamas fighters had apparently been planning to retrieve weapons from a hidden underground depot – and keep them ready for attacks on Jewish institutions in Europe.’


‘Communities in which the Hamas narrative is promoted and the intensity with which the wave of propaganda from Gaza is spreading to Germany are causing concern among security experts. Does this also increase the risk of individuals becoming radicalized or even willing to carry out attacks in this country? Or is Hamas now even mulling attacks to leave a trail of blood across Europe?

Thomas Haldenwang, the head of the national Office for the Protection of the Constitution, recently warned that the threat of terrorism is "higher than it has been in years.” The arrests appear to confirm what he has been saying.
One of the men, Abdelhamid Al A., is said to have been involved in trying to locate an underground weapons depot for Hamas since the spring if not sooner, according to the Federal Prosecutor's Office.
The organization is said to have set up the depot somewhere in Europe in the past. From October onward, Al A. is said to have received help from three other men. The weapons had apparently been urgently needed. According to initial findings, the four men arrested in Berlin and the Netherlands were in close contact with the Qassam Brigades, Hamas' terror headquarters.’

Read the article here.

Till now Hamas unlike Hezbollah did not engage in terror activities outside Israel. The question is what does the organization hope to gain from this?

Also, a new terror activity coming from organizations considered Muslim will be a huge boost for the extreme-right. The tipping point is near and even a few lone wolfs could break the camel's back.

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