Arnon Grunberg

We lived there


In yesterday’s Times Patrick Healy wrote about Sam Shepard’s new play “Ages of the Moon” (a dreary title I have to say). But Mr. Healy quotes from “Ages of the Moon” and the quote is promising: “I carried her out by the highway, and we watched the cars and trucks sailing by, heading out to El Paso, south to Mexico, or limping into town with red dust from somewhere covering their windshields. We just stood there while they all floated by in every direction. One old man in a stake truck stopped, asked if we needed a ride. I told him no — we lived there.”

I’ve never been to El Paso, but “trucks sailing by, heading out to El Paso” sounds as romantic as the night train to Milan.

Mr. Shepard's quote is a benign reminder that only lost souls enjoy total liberty.