On being in control – Carlos Lozada in NYT:
‘Of course, I peddle in the persuasion marketplace, so part of me certainly wants you to agree with whatever I have to say. Just don’t 100 percent agree with me. Maybe, say, 73 percent? Seventy-three percent. That’s the percentage of Americans who rank their finances as the top source of stress in their lives. Or the percentage of Americans favoring term or age limits for Supreme Court justices. It’s also the percentage of Americans who believe in heaven.’
‘Agreeing with me 73 percent feels about right: You’re largely on my side, but there’s still room for debate. An encouraging start but with plenty of work still left to win you over or for you to win me over.
Do you agree?’
Read the article here.
I’m more than satisfied if you agree with me 58 percent. That’s more than enough for me.
More is slightly obscene.