On new rules and old habits - Mike Isaac, Sheera Frenkel and Kate Conger in NYT:
‘Among its changes, Meta loosened rules so people could post statements saying they hated people of certain races, religions or sexual orientations, including permitting “allegations of mental illness or abnormality when based on gender or sexual orientation.” The company cited political discourse about transgender rights for the change. It also removed a rule that forbade users to say people of certain races were responsible for spreading the coronavirus.
Some training materials that Meta created for the new policies were confusing and contradictory, two employees who reviewed the documents said. Some of the text said saying that “white people have mental illness” would be prohibited on Facebook, but saying that “gay people have mental illness” was allowed, they said.
Meta locked access to the policies and training materials internally late on Thursday, they said, hours after The Intercept published excerpts.’
Read the article here.
Where are the mental illnesses?
Would it be allowed to say, for example, humanity is a disease? Some people believe statements like that are very profound.
Anyhow, what fun is left for us without any transgression?