Arnon Grunberg

Du Signal

The Shining

Late in the evening I arrived at hotel Les Sapins.
The hotel was empty and the doors were closed. “Hello,” I shouted. “Is anybody home?” Because I’d made a reservation and the reservation was confirmed.
I was reminded of the movie “The Shining”.
Then I found a note on the floor: “Famille Grunberg. Arrivée et petit-déjeuner. La clé de la chambre ouvre la porte de l’hôtel. Le dimanche soir, lundi et mardi, le restaurant est fermée. Nous assurons le service du petit-déjeuner ansi que le nettoyage quotidien des chambres et salles de bain.”

After we managed to open the front door of the hotel my godson’s mother drove me, her son and his grandmother to Blonay, where we had dinner in restaurant du Signal: a lovely restaurant, albeit also fairly empty.