Arnon Grunberg



On Turkey and stability, Mustafa Akyol in NYT:

'How did the A.K.P. surge from 40.8 percent of the vote in June to 49.5 percent in just five months — without any fraud, as independent observers testified? One answer is the electorate’s concern for “stability.” In June, some previous A.K.P. supporters decided to punish the party for its arrogance, corruption and authoritarianism. Very soon, however, they began to worry that the country would become mired in instability. The resurgence of terrorism — by both the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or P.K.K., and the Islamic State — solidified the conviction that Turkey needs a firm hand at the helm.'

Read the article here.

Voters fear instability more than dictatorship, not only in Turkey. The question is: should we trust our fear? Or is fear an untrustworthy lover?

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