Arnon Grunberg



Stephen Holden in NYT on Gavin Hood's movie "Eye in the Sky":

'An alternative title to “Eye in the Sky,” a riveting thriller about drone warfare and its perils, might be “Passing the Buck.” When urgent life-or-death decisions are required in a race against time to kill terrorists preparing a suicide attack, officials, wary of being held responsible for civilian casualties, repeatedly “refer up” to higher authorities for final approval.'

Read the review here.

Indeed, one of the better aspects of this pretty good movie is the portrait of the politician as a fearful man, unwilling and unable to make decisions; the full responsibility for collateral damage must always be borne by somebody else.

I'm not sure whether in reality the deliberations about colateral damage will be held at meticulously as in this movie, perhaps, but the question remains: how many civilians are we willing to sacrifice in order to take out a few most wanted terrorists?

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