Arnon Grunberg



Last night after the movie (“The favourite”) I went to Sushi Seki on 1st Avenue, it was already early in the morning. A young couple was making out in the corner of the sushi bar, a bald man with a beard and gloomy eyes was staring at his sushi, a handsome young man was eating rapidly, and with a passion you seldom see, as if he had recognized his enemy in the sashimi.
Sushi Seki around 1:30 a.m. is one of the better places of New York. Sometimes the customers are a bit too loud, but when it is rather empty as it was yesterday, you have the feeling that everything is possible. Sushi Seki is the place where the great shake-up will begin, you will meet a stranger who knows who Jacob Taubes was, to give just an example.
And the food is delicious.

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