Arnon Grunberg



On language - Amy Davidson Sorkin in The New Yorker:

'Van Kerkhove was making a useful point about the term “asymptomatic” being applied too broadly; in the midst of a pandemic, though, it needed to be better expressed. The larger damage was done when she combined that observation about terminology with what came across as a general statement about who is contagious. In doing so, she undermined the message that, for example, people should wear masks in public even if they don’t think they are ill. (After all, as she herself acknowledged, they are the people who define themselves as asymptomatic.) This was especially harmful because, as both she and Ryan noted in the Facebook event, studies have shown that an infected person’s “viral load”—the amount of sars-CoV-2 in their body—seems to be highest around the time that symptoms first appear. This raises the possibility that people who appear to be asymptomatic but are, in fact, presymptomatic may be particularly contagious.'

Read the article here.

The less symptoms you have the more contagious you may be. The unknowingly contagious person is still around us. We move around unaware of our own viral load. The bliss of ignorance.

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