Arnon Grunberg



Not far from Hotel zur Linde in Moers in the woods – well, the woods, a park with a stream – there was a pair of panties hanging from a tree.
The most feasible theory seemed to me this one: somebody had gone into the stream, the stream was wilder than the person had expected, the water had slightly overwhelmed this person, but he or she had managed to get out of the stream and afterwards this person had decided to dry their panties on a branch of a tree, but for various reasons the person had left their underwear before it was dry, or simply had forgotten their underwear. Maybe because it was dinner time, somebody was waiting for this person with a cup of soup. Soup can be more urgent than underwear.
Of course, other theories are possible as well, but we should not allow ourselves to be continuously overwhelmed by our darkest fantasies.

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