Arnon Grunberg



From July 25 till July 27 you have the chance to join a small community on an island (Vinkeveense Plassen, The Netherlands).
There will be a bal masque, guest lecturers will talk about the pros and cons of communities, those who feel the need to confess will be able to do so and above all, several workshops will be organized in which we will explore the seductiveness of evil.
Say hello to your little satan, is the theme of this gathering, which is nothing less than a prelude to a larger community near Oklahoma City in 2024.
There is a small fee for food, shelter, and drinks, virgin cocktails and not so virgin cocktails. But the poor can ask for a scholarship.

We welcome people from all walks of life. You can come alone, or with your family, you can bring your old parents, we welcome idealists and bigots, former inmates and saints, heroes and cowards.

Law abiding citizens will be studying evil. That’s what we will be doing from July 25 to July 27, 2021.

What you should do in order to get accepted is this:

Describe the attraction of evil in no more than 800 words, defining "evil." Also describe your identity in no more than 50 words.
Send it to:

Most languages will be acceptable to us. All identities are kosher.

Only twelve guests will be allowed. Goats will be on the island as well.

If you are not among the chosen ones, remember there is always Oklahoma in 2024.

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