Arnon Grunberg



On the zoo – Marco Evers in Der Spiegel:

‘No one should get their hopes up that SARS-CoV-2 will ever go away the way its predecessor SARS-CoV did. That disease killed around 800 people worldwide in 2002 and 2003, but the virus was so deadly to its victims that it was soon unable to find any more hosts in an alarmed population.
But SARS-CoV-2 has very different capabilities. People carrying the virus initially develop no symptoms and are unwitting carriers. Moreover, it has also created hiding places in the animal kingdom, from where it will be able to ambush the human population in constantly evolving forms. The pathogen has been detected in dogs, domestic cats, primates, deer, tigers, lions and several other species.
Many zoos have now started vaccinating their animals in response.’

Read the complete article here.

Where are the animal rights activists claiming that the tigers and lions have been vaccinated against their will?

And sooner or later zoos will advertise: our animals have been vaccinated.

Other will argue for segregation. Humans here, animals there.

Seekers might find comfort in the fact that we are being ambushed constantly.
We are here not only as carriers for our genes, but also as carriers for pathogens.

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