Arnon Grunberg



On meaninglessness - Amir Tibon in Haaretz:

‘In Israel’s current political reality, Lapid’s endorsement of two states is meaningless. Public opinion polls all show that the next government will either be a far-right, religious government led by Netanyahu, or a broad coalition led by Lapid, which will require the support of right-wing anti-Netanyahu parties. Lapid, in other words, can talk all he wants about the two-state solution, but even if he stays prime minister after the upcoming election, he won’t have the political power to implement it.’


‘Unless, that is, a dramatic shift happens among Israel’s Arab citizens, who have the potential to hold twenty seats or more in the Knesset, but have only ten today. If they voted in similar numbers to the Jewish population, their political power would double itself and open the door to a true center-left government, without anti-Bibi right-wingers.’

Read the article here.

Democracy is symbolic representation, in other words also theater, that’s what the French philosopher Lefort stated, sometimes the meaninglessness of the play is already obvious in the first act. But the play is still running year after year.

Commitment to the two-state-solution is like saying grace before dinner.

I’m highly skeptical that the Israeli Arabs will change the outcome of the next elections in Israel.
So I can only be pleasantly surprised, that is the advantage of skepticism, of mild pessimism in general.

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