Arnon Grunberg



On composting - Edward Helmore in The Guardian:

‘New York’s governor, Kathy Hochul, on Saturday legalized natural organic reduction, popularly known as human composting or terramation, after death.
The legislative move makes the state the sixth to do so since 2019 and gives New Yorkers access to an alternative, green method of burial deemed environmentally friendly.
But the departed may not be simply tossed on the compost heap: remains must be delivered to a cemetery corporation certified as an organic reduction facility, suitably contained and ventilated, and not containing “a battery, battery pack, power cell, radioactive implant, or radioactive device”.
Washington became the first state to legalize human composting in 2019, followed by Colorado and Oregon in 2021, then Vermont and California later in 2022. New York’s legislation, A382, passed both assemblies over the summer.’

Read the article here.

Composting seems to me preferable to cremation, but an old-fashioned burial will do as well.

On the other hand, organic reduction facility sounds better than cemetery.

Perhaps in the future, also those tired of life, and medically stamped as more or less uncurable, can go alive to the organic reduction facility.

I see a television show coming about two people who met at an organic reduction facility and start an amour fou or a crime syndicate. Or both. A cult show, needless to say.

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