Arnon Grunberg



On the leaked documents – Kyle Chayka in The New Yorker:

‘On March 4th, the pictures appeared on a Minecraft-themed Discord server with more than eight thousand members. Still, they drew little attention. “here, have some leaked documents,” the user who posted them there wrote. “Nice,” someone responded. Then nothing happened for another month. By April 5th, the same images could be found on the encrypted chat app Telegram and on the anonymous forum 4chan. The Times broke the news of the leaks a day later.’

Read the article here.

Yes, this is the spirit.

Some beer?

No thanks.

Some leaked documents?


Some people probably already believe that it was an inside job - just waiting for the theory to become mainstream.

It would be face saving for the intelligence community in the US.

We did it on purpose, to confuse the enemy.

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