Arnon Grunberg

Stories and Essays (plus more)

Today, the 1st of April 2012 (no jokes in this news item) a new section of goes live: Stories & Essays, featuring Grunberg’s novels (excerpts), short stories, reports, columns, essays and other works. In English.
Click here to check it out.
Note: a lot more will be added, so keep coming back.
For readers who read Dutch, Grunberg’s daily column in de Volkskrant, ‘Voetnoot’, will be published a week after publication in the newspaper.
Read the first one here.
Also his weekly column in VPRO Gids, ‘Yasha’, will be published on this site one week after publication in the magazine.
'Grunberg Helpt', De Avonden and Wordt Vervolgd were already available online, but are now also available here, through here, and here.
Also don't forget the PEN Blog.
The letters in Humo will still be published in print only.
By the way, is now on Facebook and Twitter.
Have fun!