Arnon Grunberg



Adam Gopnik on abortion and Henry Morgentaler:

“The counter argument to these endless tales of actual suffering by real human beings is a metaphysical moral intuition, much cherished by middle-aged men: that at the moment of conception a single cell magically becomes, somehow, as fully human as the woman within whom it exists. This is, of course, a private form of embryology unknown to science, and would be comical were its consequences not so dire. (Biology has no difficulty distinguishing between a cell with the very long-term potential to become something and a fully conscious creature that is something; in any case, thousands, indeed millions, of such cells occur in nature, and great numbers are naturally aborted, suggesting that the God who presumably oversees this slaughter is quite indifferent to the fate of all those human beings.) More important, it is a belief indifferent to the real lives of living women.
It is just as possible—though difficult, to anyone cursed with minimal compassion—to imagine a good-faith argument for the total ban on abortion that is now de rigueur on the Republican right. Someone might have so much love for living things that he would not want to see any potential or possible suffering for them—but this argument could be made in good faith only if, to be blunt, it were not so shaped by faith. If one actually, sincerely believed that abortion was murder, then one would want to go to any length to prevent the murder from happening—but, of course, those who are the loudest for the magic metaphysics of mystical embryology are often the loudest against the right of women to have easily available (or, indeed, any) contraception.”

(Read the complete blog entry here.)

Ah well, middle-aged men and their metaphysical moral intuition.
Middle-aged men should try to seek pleasure without making spurious claims.
For this reason I prefer DSK to many Republican senators and congressmen.

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