Arnon Grunberg



A friend and a colleague of mine, Ilija Trojanow, was supposed to travel to Denver to attend a conference of Germanists. But he was refused entry into the United States.
(See this article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, read it here. Unfortunately it’s only available in German. You can read about this case on Huffington Post well -- not in German -- read it here.)
Nobody was able to explain to him why he couldn’t enter the US. Trojanow was told he was "a special case".
Paranoia is a terrible disease, both for individuals and nations. The biggest threat presently to the US (and many other nations for that matter) is not an external enemy, it’s the internal enemy that we can summarize in one word: paranoia.
Since I wish the U.S. well I hope that reasonable people will be able to find a cure for this illness. Let’s pray for a speedy recovery.

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