Arnon Grunberg

Sinking ship

Pleasant surprise

Early this summer I received the German translation of my last novel (Tirza). But the work as chambermaid didn’t combine well with reading my own novel in German. Finally I started reading it and I must say in all modesty, it’s a pleasant surprise. Thanks of course also to Mr. Kersten, the translator. Halfway trough my own novel I decided to see Mr. Haggis latest movie.
I happened to like “Crash” – I wrote about it for a Dutch newspaper, and was extremely surprised that the movie won the Oscar for best movie. (I’m not a reliable fortuneteller.)
Mr. Haggis’ last movie “In the Valley of Elah” is even better than “Crash.” I found it an educating experience for my trip to the green zone in Baghdad next spring.
The acting is superb, and the ending made me ironically enough feel American – whatever that means, in this case it meant clearly: holding on to or not holding on to your sanity on a sinking ship.