Arnon Grunberg

I love you all

Doron Assaf

Today Ha’aretz published an article about the suicide of a young female soldier: ‘"This is my testament, then. I am emotional now, and afraid, but for the last time. I had dreams that I do not see myself realizing. As I said, I just don't want to live. I love you all. Shalom. Doron Assaf."
These are the last words of the 19-year-old soldier, written shortly before she jumped to her death from Azrieli Towers in Tel Aviv, on January 14, 2007. On that day, she sent about 50 text messages with the words "I love you" to family and friends. Some of them responded with a message of love of their own; she replied to one friend that in the evening, he would know.’

Maybe it was because I was tired, but I found this article very emotional.