Arnon Grunberg


New things

“Bring a blank postcard. If you can.” I was having a cup of tea with an acquaintance this evening. The last mail the acquaintance sent me to confirm the appointment ended with the sentence mentioned above.
I didn’t ask: “Why should I bring a blank postcard?” I thought: Probably there is a good reason for this.
Since I was not sure how blank the postcard actually should be I brought a few postcards.
It turned out that the idea of the postcard was nothing but a whim.
After the tea we decided to write a postcard to somebody we both know.
The acquaintance said: “You are not allowed to see what I write and I’m not allowed to see what you write. I put the postcard in an envelope and we’ll see how our mutual friend will react.” I nodded; I guess I’m always open to new things.