Arnon Grunberg



On the Nobel – Gail Colllins/Bret Stephens:

‘Gail Collins: OK, Bret — it’s elections week! Tell me the one outcome you’re most hoping to see and the one you’re most dreading.
Bret Stephens: The idea of Herschel Walker being elected a United States senator is the political equivalent of E.L. James, the author of “Fifty Shades of Grey,” being awarded the Nobel Prize for literature: the preposterous elevation of the former equals the total debasement of the latter.’

Read it here.

The pedestrian Breth Stephens doesn’t seem to see the difference between a handful jurors and an electorate. Needless, a handful jurors can be as mistaken as an electorate, and probably a handful jurors is much easier to corrupt, but still.

We now know that there is no bottom. We should have known this from the age of 12 or earlier. If the wisdom of the crowds exists, then also of course the sheer stupidity of those willing to vote.

And never underestimate the pyromaniac tendencies of the masses.

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