Arnon Grunberg
Blauwe maandagen
Blauwe maandagen image
Nijgh & Van Ditmar, Amsterdam

Blue Mondays

The novel’s protagonist – named Arnon, like its author – is a young man on the run: expelled from high school and on the outs with his ailing father, he spends his days and nights living a vagabond’s life on the streets of Amsterdam.
Then he begins to visit prostitutes and in his fumbling, guileless, tender encounters with them we see what’s beneath his nonstop comic riffling.

Read a chapter in English here.

Also available as an audiobook.

Nijgh & Van Ditmar


Nijgh & Van Ditmar, Amsterdam 1994

ECI, Vianen 1994

Uitgeverij XL, Den Haag 1995

Bulkboek, Amsterdam 1998

Nijgh & Van Ditmar, Amsterdam 2000

Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen 2001

Nijgh & Van Ditmar, Amsterdam 2004. Special hardcover edition to celebrate 10 years Blue Mondays.

Nijgh & Van Ditmar, Amsterdam 2008

de Volkskrant, Amsterdam 2011

Nijgh & Van Ditmar, Amsterdam 2014

Nijgh & Van Ditmar, Amsterdam 2018. With a foreword by Nina Polak.

Nijgh & Van Ditmar, Amsterdam 2022.